Knowing Yourself Is The Beginning Of All Wisdom.

WHY LEADS SELF-REFLECTION TO WISDOM ? Knowing what your needs, values, interests, beliefs, adaptations, strengths, weaknesses and shadows are, leads to more informed decisions and to wiser actions. Self-reflection provides clarity and perspective on life experiences. By reflecting on past events and personal growth, we learn from our mistakes, identify patterns, and gain a broader …

The Best Version Of You Is Not Optimized, But Integrated.

Integration often involves introspection, self-awareness and embracing one’s strengths, weaknesses, values, and beliefs. By integrating these elements into our identity, we feel more authentic, congruent, and connected to our true selves. It leads to a deeper understanding of our identity and purpose, fostering personal growth and fulfillment.

AUTHENTIC is the new cool.

Authenticity celebrates individuality. Why is it cool to be authentic? Embracing who you are will boost self-esteem and self-assurance. Being authentic means, distinguishing from others and expressing your unique qualities and perspectives. This uniqueness sets us apart and makes us stand out in a world that often encourages conformity. We are also more likely to …